Casting a critical eye on the way popular culture deals with National Geographic’s interests, from global warming to mayfly swarming.
Gaga Over Gummy Bear
Posted Jan 4,2008

Pop Omnivore’s pick for best song of 2007 is not the ubiquitous Umbrella.

It is “I Am a Gummy Bear.”

Never heard of it? Consider yourself lucky, because once you hear this bouncy, synthesizer-driven ditty, you will never ever ever get it out of your head. And that, to us, is the true test of a song of the year. Listen to this excerpt, if you dare, complete with video of a dancing green bear (tastefully clad in briefs).

Plus, “Gummy Bear” is a song that reflects National Geographic’s interest in the world we live in. Released in Hungary last year, it became the number one ring tone for eight months. It has been translated into many languages, including German, which is highly appropriate because really, is there a funnier sentence than “Ich bin ein Gummibär.” Also, the sticky candy was invented in Germany in 1922. “Gummibär” translates as “rubber bear.” Awww, how sweet.

Readers, we challenge you to name a song, domestic or international, that matches “Gummy Bear” for sheer infectiousness.

-Marc Silver

Posted by Marc Silver | Comments (0)
Filed Under: Music


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